The BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety is tailored for supervisors, WHS personnel, and employees in any WHS-related role to equip them with the essential knowledge to manage risks, apply WHS laws effectively, ensure compliance and actively contribute to workplace safety.

Regardless of the industry, leaders are legally obligated to keep people safe; therefore, WHS-qualified people are needed in every organisation. Our online safety training course is a live online, facilitator-led, interactive training environment. This is not a pre-recorded online program – it is the same experience as our in-person programs.

Need a skill set, not the full qualification?

Sometimes you may not need the full qualification, but rather the skill set or specific topics within a qualification. Our flexible ‘module’ option means you can choose to attend only the topic/s you need, and when you’ve attended, successfully completed your assessments, and are deemed competent you’ll receive a statement of attainment showing you’ve gained those units of competency. Successfully complete all four topics and receive the full qualification.

Need a skill set, not the full qualification?

Sometimes you may not need the full qualification, but rather the skill set or specific topics within a qualification. Our flexible ‘module’ option means you can choose to attend only the topic/s you need, and when you’ve attended, successfully completed your assessments, and are deemed competent you’ll receive a statement of attainment showing you’ve gained those units of competency. Complete all four topics and receive the full qualification.

Why invest in gaining work health and safety skills?

  • Understand how to meet organisational and personal legal compliance obligations;

  • Learn about hazard identification, risk management and effective WHS management of contractors;

  • Learn to assist with responding to incidents;

  • Explore workplace monitoring processes and incident investigation;

  • Learn how to contribute to implementing and maintaining WHS;

  • Understand consultation and participation processes; and

  • Learn how to have powerful safety conversations that empower people taking accountability for their own safety behaviours and show leadership in the workplace.

Workmen wearing high visibility clothes relaxing with a coffee

This program will provide participants with an understanding of the work health and safety (WHS) skills required to administer various work health and safety functions. They will develop and understanding of WHS laws, incident response, managing claims, and hazard identification.

This practical program provides the skills and tools participants can use immediately and encourages them to think differently.

During the program, participants apply the learning, activities and assessments to their day-to-day role with opportunities to set goals, develop work priority plans and be self-reflective.

OUR delivery FORMAT

Eight days of training is broken into 4 x 2 day modules, plus a workplace task per module.

Participants can undertake the full qualification, or choose the module of their choice and gain the competencies covered in that module. This program is designed for adult participants who are already or have recently been employed. Assessments are open book questions, practical activities and projects designed to be incorporated into their day to day job rather than adding to their workload.

Participants have up to 12 months to complete the qualification or the individual modules.

ABOUT THE program modules

To attain the BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety, participants must be deemed competent in 10 units of competency (five core, five elective) over an eight-day program, plus workplace tasks.

The eight days may be delivered in consecutive days or in four x two-day modules with gaps between each module to allow participants to practice skills learned back at their workplace.

Our 8 day public program allows for enrolment in either the full qualification or into the individual modules.

read more about THE program MODULES

Module outline
Within this module, workplace leaders gain the skills to contribute to hazard identification and risk assessments and learn how to communicate as a workplace leader to build trust. This module explores the skills and knowledge required to contribute to WHS risk management including the processes for identifying work health and safety (WHS) hazards and assessing and controlling the risks relating to those identified hazards according to legislative and organisational requirements.

Participants will gain the skills and knowledge required to understand different communication contexts, how to choose methods of communication to suit the audience and the importance of follow-up.

Units covered in this module:

  • BSBLDR412 – Communicate effectively as a workplace leader
  • BSBWHS414 – Contribute to WHS risk management

At the end of this module participants will be able to:

  • discover the role and importance of communication and consultation in minimising harm at work including accessing information and data used to identify hazards and to assess and control risks and how to clarify messages and create engaging and effective communication;
  • define the purpose and need for follow-up actions for different communications;
  • identify accurate communication context and contribute to identifying risk management requirements and compliance; and contribute to workplace hazard identification and risk assessment

Contractors and workplace safety icon

This two-day module supported by workplace application and assessment delivers two units towards the BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety.

Module outline

Whether you are a contractor, or you work with contractors, the law is very clear about WHS obligations on both sides.

This module develops the required skills and knowledge to assist with establishing and maintaining workplace compliance with work health and safety (WHS) laws. This includes identifying applicable WHS laws, duties, rights and obligations, and the necessary actions to ensure WHS compliance in the workplace, assisting with providing advice about the legislative duties, rights and obligationsof individuals and parties prescribed in WHS laws and those of WHS regulators.

Participants will also develop an understanding of requirements to assist in managing the work health and safety (WHS) implications of using contractors. It involves identifying contractor duties, establishing organisational WHS compliance requirements associated with those duties, establishing and communicating the requirements expected of contractors, monitoring contractor compliance with WHS requirements, and implementing required responses to identified non-compliance.

Units covered in this module:

  • BSBWHS412 – Assist with workplace compliance with WHS laws
  • BSBWHS418 – Assist with managing WHS compliance of contractors

At the end of this module participants will be able to:

  • identify the legal framework for WHS in the workplace;
  • provide advice about WHS compliance;
  • establish WHS legislative compliance;
  • maintain WHS legislative compliance;
  • prepare for, and assist with, contractor WHS induction processes; and
  • monitor contractor WHS compliance requirements and address non-compliance.

This two-day module supported by workplace application and assessment delivers three units towards the BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety.

Module outline
This module provides participants with the skills and knowledge to contribute to the implementation and maintenance of WHS consultation and participation processes and monitoring WHS systems, policies, procedures and programs.

It enables participants to meet due diligence obligations by gaining an understanding of what is required in terms of due diligence in the Australian workplace and how to meet their legal obligations in respect of their role and organisational requirements.

Units covered in this module:

  • BSBWHS415: Contribute to implementing WHS management systems
  • BSBWHS413: Contribute to implementation and maintenance of WHS consultation and participation processes
  • BSBWHS419 Contribute to implementing WHS monitoring processes.


At the end of this module participants will be able to:
• contribute to developing, implementing and evaluating a work health and safety implementation plan;
• identify your (and others) roles and responsibilities in relation to WHS consultation and participation, then implement, review and make improvements as required;
• contribute to communicating and sharing WHS information and data;
• consult with relevant individuals to identify conditions to be measured;
• contribute to selecting measuring equipment; and
• collect information about the requirements of monitoring and contribute to testing.

This two-day module supported by workplace application and assessment, delivers three units towards the BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety.

Module outline
In this module participants gain an understanding of what is involved in incident response and investigation in order to prevent further harm. Participants explore, should an accident or incident occur, how to identify and conduct a comprehensive incident investigation in line with legislative and organisational requirements and how to collect, organise and analyse information using available systems and prepare, deliver and review presentations for target audiences.

Units covered in this module:

  • BSBWHS416 – Contribute to workplace incident response
  • BSBINS401 – Analyse and present research information
  • BSBCMM411 – Make presentations

At the end of this module participants will be able to:

  • understand what is involved in incident response and incident investigation;
  • identify how to conduct a comprehensive incident investigation inclusive of research, analysis and recommendations;
  • understand how to collect, organise and analyse information using available systems;
  • practice incident investigation and presentation skills to enhance understanding and skill levels; and
  • explore what makes an engaging and effective presentation.
Pathway to the BSB41419 Certificate IV in WHS icon

This program is delivered via Zoom with a live facilitator, in a real-time, interactive training environment that you can access from anywhere via an internet connected computer or device. This is not a pre-recorded online program – it is the same experience as our highly interactive face-to-face programs.


While there are no educational prerequisites for this course, it is a program for people who work in in a leadership or supervisor capacity, regardless of which industry.  English language proficiency and literacy skills are needed to complete the course in the required time frame. The program also requires competency in using a computer or tablet devices for research.

A good level of numeracy is necessary to complete the learning and assessment activities in this program.

Please let us know when you enrol if we can support you.

Using the cloud-based interactive platform Zoom, you can gain your qualification with a live facilitator, in real-time, with a group of other participants, via computer from anywhere in the world with an internet connection and a device with a microphone and camera.

We don’t offer pre-recorded online programs or self-paced programs where you receive the materials and work it out for yourself. That’s not an effective way to learn and it’s not how we work. Workplace Dimensions are experts in live training. Our program simulates real face-to-face training, with expert facilitators, peers and all the activities, discovery learning and discussions you’d experience if you were working in a training room together. We offer the same experience of our face-to-face programs, delivered via computer. You’ll even get morning, afternoon, and lunch breaks – though, you’ll have to supply your own muffins and coffee!

We supply workbooks, handouts and assessments via post to your home or workplace. We look after logistics in the same meticulous way we do with our face-to-face programs.

The Zoom software only requires an internet connection and works cross-platform on all PC and Mac desktop computers, devices and smartphones that have a camera and microphone, which most devices already have.

The Zoom software platform is free for you to use and is available either in-browser (through Chrome, Firefox etc.), as a downloadable app for computers and devices, or can be integrated into your company intranet.

Zoom also encrypts all content at the application layer using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256-bit algorithm, and we use password-protected sessions to enhance this security.

We have technical support resources to seamlessly support you if you are not familiar with working with this type of technology.

If you need support setting up or using Zoom, we have a team member available running weekly Wednesday Zoom testing sessions (or by appointment) to ensure you are confident with using Zoom before the program starts.

Workplace Dimensions public programs

  • BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety


    Contractors and workplace safety (2 days): Contact us
    Monitor and review WHS processes and systems (2 days):  Contact us
    Best practice incident investigation (2 days): Contact us
    A leader’s role in workplace safety (2 days): Contact us

    8.00am-4.30pm EST

  • Investment full qualification – all 4 modules :
    $2,995* AUD

  • Investment by individual module:
    $750* AUD per module

*Note GST does not apply to accredited training.

Before enrolling in this program, ensure you’ve downloaded and understood the student handbook.

It explains your rights as a participant in our programs and the policies and procedures relevant to your enrolment into a nationally recognised qualification program including the cancellation, refund and transfer policy, including what happens if we cancel a program.

By clicking “Enrol Now” on the last page of your enrolment form, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions contained within the handbook.

Want this program customised for your workplace and industry?
Let’s talk.

Call us on 03 9510 0477.