Safety Dimensions supports organisations to effectively deal with safety performance challenges. We train and develop executives, frontline leaders, and staff to do what’s required to tangibly change organisational safety behaviour, enable compliance, and ensure due diligence.
We know how important it is to create a sustainable safety culture that gives your people the right skill sets, mind-sets and tools, rather than just putting more rules or paper trails in place.
Sometimes clients ask:
- Why are injuries still occurring, when our safety stats are good?
- Why aren’t our safety stats improving when we have policies and procedures in place?
- Why are staff not reporting hazards, risks or near misses?
- Why are some of our people still making mistakes which result in injuries?
- How can I be sure people are making safe choices even when we are not watching?
- How can I get my team to understand safety is everyone’s responsibility – not just the safety team?
- How do I engage my team’s hearts and minds?
Common to all these questions is human behaviour. Safety Dimensions are specialists in shifting human behaviour. For the past three decades, Safety Dimensions has taken this speciality and applied it to the world of work, health, and safety, with remarkable results.
Our solutions include WHS training, safety training, leadership training, safety leadership programs, occupational health and safety training, hazard identification training, risk management programs, contractor management training, incident investigation training, leadership and management training, leading teams training, diversity and inclusion training, and nationally recognised training in:
Are you a leader?
As a leader, you want your workplace and those in it to be safe. Yet hanging over everyone’s head is the financial, legal, brand and, importantly, the moral and personal impacts that can result from an unsafe workplace.
As a leader, you are faced with the possibility of:
- People being hurt on your watch
- Pain and suffering of the worker and their families
- Financial costs of not getting safety right, including rising premiums
- Potential damage to your brand, company and personal reputation
- Unfavourable scorecard statistics around Lost Time Injury (LTI) or Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR)
- The legal repercussions and your personal liability
It’s no coincidence that organisations who invest in safety leadership and training are the companies that reduce their costs.
If an incident occurs in your workplace, it is accepted that a strong defense can be built on two key questions to determine if you, the leader, have undertaken adequate due diligence. You will be asked to demonstrate what you have done personally to keep your workplace safe, and your team will be asked what you have done.