what participants IN OUR TRAINING PROGRAMS say
Source: National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) Australian vocational education and training statistics. View full report here>>
CELEBRATING 30 years in business
What we do works. We make the complex simple to understand. We make change personal.
Delivering in 20 countries
We partner to consult, design and deliver solutions nationally and internationally.
PARTNERING with industry
We are easy to work with. We build long term partnerships and work across a range of industries.
capacity and CAPABILITY
We deliver on national and international roll-outs and meet tight deadlines.
FLEXIBLE training options
Face to face or live online training solutions to fit a range of budgets and timelines.
Proven Solutions that work
Solutions integrate your processes and branding to increase outcomes and relevance.
Program licence options for in-house delivery. We even train your trainers.
qualifications & accreditation
Options for Australian nationally accredited programs at Certificate IV level.
CELEBRATING 30 years in business
What we do works. We make the complex simple to understand. We make change personal.
Delivering in 20 countries
We partner to consult, design and deliver solutions nationally and internationally.
PARTNERING with industry
We are easy to work with. We build long term partnerships and work across a range of industries.
capacity and CAPABILITY
We deliver on national and international roll-outs and meet tight deadlines.
FLEXIBLE training options
Face to face or live online training solutions to fit a range of budgets and timelines.
Proven Solutions that work
Solutions integrate your processes and branding to increase outcomes and relevance.
Program licence options for in-house delivery. We even train your trainers.
qualifications & accreditation
Options for Australian nationally accredited programs at Certificate IV level.
Our safety training courses available for executives, frontline leaders and frontline staff include:
- BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
- BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
- 11045NAT Certificate IV in Safety Leadership
- Executive Safety Leadership Masterclass
- Safety Leadership Foundation Program for frontline leaders
- Safety “Mates” program for frontline staff
- Fit for work training (physical and psychological)
- Risk assessments training (hazard, risk assessment, and control implementation)
- Safety inductions and onboarding training
- Staff engagement with new policies and procedures (SOP’s) training
- Contractor management training
- Incident investigation training
- Engaging the hearts & minds
- Effective safety consultation
- WHS workplace assessment and audit training
- Manage incident investigations training
- Incident investigation training
- Participate in health and safety committees
Our leadership topics and training programs for new, emerging and experienced leaders include:
- BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
- Communicating effectively as a workplace leader
- Leading performance
- Lead and facilitate a team training
- Demonstrating leadership in the workplace
- Innovation and problem-solving
- Diversity and inclusion training
- Lead the development of diverse workforces
- Managing change and change fatigue training
- Communicating complexity in writing
- Developing emotional intelligence
- Recruitment and onboarding training
- Induction and onboarding training
- Leading difficult conversations
- Staff engagement with new policies and procedures (SOP’s) training
- Financial and HR fundamentals training for frontline leaders
- Presentation, training and facilitation skills
- Time and priority management training
- Apply critical thinking to work practices
Delivered live and online by our expert facilitators in an interactive training environment over Zoom or TEAMS.
These are not pre-recorded online programs – participants receive the same experience as our in-person programs.
Delivered live and online by our expert facilitators in an interactive training environment over Zoom or TEAMS.
These are not pre-recorded online programs – participants receive the same experience as our in-person programs.